Thursday, May 1, 2014

3 Things to Teach your Daughter: BE CONFIDENT! BE POSITIVE! BE YOU!

THIS is why I am so proud to be a GLAMbassador.  Sarah xo

Guest Blog Written By: Laura from Glama Gal Tween Spa. Originally posted over at Chic Mamma

glama gal tween spa
Chic Mama Pina approached me about writing a blog post based on a story I shared with her and some other bloggers last week that really resonated with everyone.  My sister and I created Glama Gals back in 2006 and since then have hosted well over 7,000 birthday parties for girls of all ages. We have seen everything from amazing party planners calling us for big events to father’s calling us a week before their daughter’s birthday to plan a last minute party.  Over the years, we have accommodated many clients to ensure that their events go off without a hitch.

However, never have we experienced what transpired when we first opened our Vaughan location back in 2008.  It was 5:45 p.m. and my sister Josie and I were cleaning up as it was the end of the business day.  In walks a little girl,  dressed in a stunning dress and flower headband, bearing a beautifully wrapped present.  She told us she was here for Jamie’s party.  Josie and I were confused as Jamie’s party was earlier that day at 2 p.m. We both thought, “This girl must have read the invitation incorrectly.” Immediately, Josie waved her father down in the parking lot before he left the premises.  We asked to see the invitation to make sure she was at the right place. We read it over and over again it said the party was at 6 p.m. (as written by a child).  It boggled our mind that every other girl received the correct time for this party, yet this girl received an invitation with the start time being 6 p.m.  At this point our radar was up.  The father then concluded, just as we thought, that his daughter was the victim of an act schemed by the birthday girl.  He went on to say that his daughter had been consistently bullied by this girl and that she chose to attend the birthday, thinking that the birthday girl wanted to make amends.  What would you do as a parent? Would you send your daughter to the party of someone who bullied her?

I proceeded to contact the mother of the birthday girl, informing her of what happened.  Her response, “Could you please ask her friend to leave the gift with you and I will pick it up tomorrow?” I was in complete shock.  The mother then informed me that her daughter didn’t want to invite this child but was forced to because under the school’s rule she would only be able to distribute invitations under the condition that all the girls in the class were invited.

In that moment, Josie and I decided to give this little girl the DELUXE GLAMA GAL TREATMENT and so, we pampered her with every service offered at GG.  She stayed with us for 2 hours and had the whole spa to herself.   Josie talked with her about how to be confident in her own skin and how today is her day, reminding her to see the positive in any negative situation.   While at the manicure bar, this little child was trying so hard to hold back her tears.  We told her that it’s ok to cry and that we too have been in her shoes before.

From this moment in 2008, we vowed that every girl to walk through our Glama Gal doors would be entering an environment where we encouraged positivity, uniqueness and being confident.  This experience also prompted us to add a sign to our doors that reads, NO BULLIES ALLOWED!!!

The moral of this story is that our daughters are watching our every action.  We, as mothers, need to be careful with how we interact with others.  Become a positive role model for your daughter who embodies virtues of empathy and kindness.  Always imagine yourself in somebody else’s position while asking, “How would I feel if somebody treated me as I am treating them?” The golden rule.

In 2010 I gave birth to my very own Glama Gal Miss Ella. Since she was 3 years old, every night we go through this routine I ask her what made her happy today, how did she make someone else happy and I tell her how she makes me happy.  As she gets older I will do the following three activities with her:

BE Confident: Every morning put a sticky note on her washroom mirror with a confidence-building quote she has to say out loud before she starts her day.

Be Positive: She has to tell me at the end of the day 1 positive thing she did for herself and 1 positive thing she did for someone else.

BE YOU: Create A BE YOU Diary where once a week she will express 5 things she did that made her feel unique and proud of herself.

If we breed positivity and spread it to other girls we will definitely change the actions of the past and pave way for a positive and confidence building future for young girls. I also recommend surrounding yourself with positive like minded people.

Glama Gal Laura

P.S. Be Confident! Be Positive! BE YOU!


  1. Loved reading this story. I am so happy with the way this girl got treated a GG after the way she was treated. Kudos to GG!

    I also try to teach my kids the same messages found in this post so they are proud of who they are because of who they are, not because of what others think of them. Awesome post!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. My jaw-dropped Reese when started reading this story. It felt like a nightmare. What Glama Gals did for her though was truly inspiring. They lived true to their motto.

